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Health Services

Student Health Services

The purpose of the Health Center is to provide treatment of minor injuries and acute illness (i.e., severe symptoms, usually of rapid onset and short duration) of GSD students. The Health Center staff will make recommendations and, in some cases, arrangements for treatment and/or assessments of more complex nature, but it should not take the place of the family doctor and/or dentist. Conditions will be referred to parents and family physicians for evaluation, consultation and any necessary follow-up. If a child’s injury or illness is serious, parents will be required to come to GSD to pick up their child and seek medical attention through their family physician. Once the illness/injury has been treated by the doctor, the child may return to GSD with a doctor’s excuse. Parents are responsible for all medical services that are not covered by health insurance or Medicaid.

If a child is treated in any emergency facility, the parents will be informed immediately after we know the child’s condition. Emergency medical care that requires a doctor is available at Floyd Medical Center in Rome, GA., Polk County Medical Center in Cedartown, GA., or Urgent Care in Cedartown, GA. Medical consent forms must be signed by the parent/guardian at registration in order for medical services to be given. These forms will be updated each school year. It is important that we have an up-to-date phone number for work and home or a relative or friend’s number where we can contact parents.

We will assist with obtaining prescriptions given during an ER or Urgent Care visit only. The pharmacy will be given your insurance and billing information that we have on file and you will be responsible for any co-pays or bills incurred from the prescription(s).  All other prescriptions must be filled by parents and sent to school with the student. 

 GSD is required to maintain current immunization records on all students. Parents are notified of the need to update records. Students transferring from another school system must provide proof of immunization, or a waiver must be issued.

The school nurse will administer medications at the school by the following guidelines:

  1. The Health Center has a completed Medication Information form and copy of the child’s health insurance or Medicaid card is on file.
  2. The medication is prescribed by a physician and is in the original container. Medication orders must be confirmed either by an original prescription or a call from the physician’s office to a school nurse. Please keep enough at home for weekends and school holidays. Parents must provide refills in a timely manner. A reminder call will be given 7-10 days before you child’s prescription runs out. If some of the student’s medication must be transported home, a GSD staff person will sign it out from the infirmary and allow the parent/guardian to sign for it. If the student will travel unchaperoned, the GSD Student Health Services staff will inform you that the student will be carrying the medication, and the medication will be packed in the student’s suitcase.
  3. GSD nursing staff will schedule prescribed treatments and medications and monitor student compliance, unless expressly refused by you. High school students will be expected to comply with prescribed medications/ treatments with limited reminders, younger and special needs will have closer supervision. Medication that has been discontinued by your child’s physician will be destroyed in a safe manner.
  4. Medications (nonprescription) will be dispensed when needed. Parents must complete and sign an Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication form every year giving us permission to give OTC meds of your choice to your child. You may choose all, some, or none of the meds we have on hand to be given to your child if needed. Our OTC medicine supply is limited.  If we see your child is using an OTC on a regular basis, you will be contacted to send a supply of that medicine for your child’s personal use.  OTC meds cannot be given for more than 10 days in a row without a doctor’s order. 

 Students must have a pass from the school or dorm to go to the Health Center. Generally, a nurse can be reached in the infirmary. Our nurses will be happy to speak with you about any health concerns. Staff will observe confidentiality; however, there may be times when it is necessary to share information about your child with other staff members who care for your child.

Kathy Barnes, RN

Kathy Barnes, RN - Dorm Nurse

Phone: 706-853-8589





Medication requirements