Programs and Services
Student Services at the Georgia School for the Deaf is a collaborative effort involving the school, family, residential life, and community in developing an appropriate educational program that supports student achievement and provides the opportunity for every student to maximize his/her potential and become a productive member of society.
Expectation of Student Services Office and Staff
- Prompt response to phone, e-mail, or mail correspondence
- Annual Individualized Educational Plan meetings for all students
- Re-eligibility meeting every three years for all students
- Good faith effort to contact parent/guardian to attend all meetings scheduled for their child
- Communication regarding any change in state policy or law regarding special education
- An advocate for all services that your student needs to be successful academically
- Parent rights given at each meeting regarding your student.
- Parent access to student files
- Confidentiality of all student records
Expectation of Parents and Guardians of our Students
- Parents are asked to complete a student information update at registration each year. Registration takes place at the beginning of the school year, in the week before the first day of classes. This provides the school with a current address, phone number and emergency contacts. It is important that our school maintain accurate information on each student. In case of an emergency due to illness, accident, or inclement weather, we must be able to contact parents/guardians or an emergency contact that is listed on the Student Update Form.
- If any of this information changes during the year, parents are asked to notify the school. This is especially important when moving to a different county or changing any telephone numbers. The quality of information you receive from the school could be affected, as well as your child’s transportation.
- If the parental custody of any child is in question, we must have a notarized copy of the court’s decision.
Areas of Student Services:
Students receive monitoring of amplification, annual electroacoustic analysis, and otologic referrals as needed. The audiologist conducts comprehensive audiological and hearing aid evaluations in an on-site sound-treated booth. IEP recommendations are made based on test results. For more information on Audiology Services, click HERE.
Residential Program
Residential students standard schedule involves arrive on Sunday afternoons, living in the resident halls during the week, and going home on Friday afternoons. For more details on the Residential Program, click HERE.
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education, CTAE is a pathway for students to gain skills for thriving in the future workforce. For more details on CTAE, click HERE.
Health Services
The purpose of the Health Center is to provide treatment of minor injuries and acute illness of GSD students. The Health Center staff will make assessments and recommendations for treatments, but it should not take the place of the family doctor and/or dentist. For more details on Health Services, please click HERE
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Immersion Program
Occupational & Physical Therapy
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Mental Health & Counseling
Speech & Language
School Nutrition
Testing Services
File Download Library
Contact Us
Jamie Herston - Special Education Director, Student Support Services
Phone: 706-777-2323
Fax: 706-777-2204
All student support services are under the supervision of Jamie Herston, Interim Special Education Director. She can be reached during the school day at 706-777-2323.
Beth Bell, Student Support Services Administrative Assistant
Videophone: 678-710-8983